Cosmetic Dentistry

What is Cosmetic Dentistry?
Cosmetic Dentistry is a branch of dentistry that specializes in correcting wear, loss or imperfections in our smile through various methods, such as all-ceramic crowns, ceramic veneers or resin veneers.
Can Cosmetic Dentistry change our lives?
Yes, Cosmetic Dentistry can change our lives by giving us a beautiful smile.
How does Cosmetic Dentistry combine science with aesthetics?
Aesthetic Dentistry combines Science with Aesthetics, using on the one hand Scientific Education & Experience
How does the dentist design the ideal smile for the patient?
At the first appointment, the dentist listens to the patient’s needs & wishes. He examines the patient’s smile and discusses the various restoration methods. They design the ideal smile that fits the patient’s face and decide together on the ideal method.
Are cosmetic dentistry procedures painful?
No, Cosmetic Dentistry procedures are painless thanks to the detailed design of the new smile, as well as the use of the highest quality materials available, along with the most modern equipment.
Dental implants
What are dental implants?
Dental implants are the leading method of replacing missing teeth.
How do dental implants work?
Dental implants are placed in the jawbone, where they serve as the roots of the missing tooth. They are then covered with a crown or bridge to complete the restoration.
Are dental implants painful?
No, dental implants are not painful when placed correctly.
What is the procedure for placing dental implants?
If there is a need to place implants, the process begins with a detailed mapping of the area. Using a low-radiation X-ray machine, a three-dimensional recording of the oral cavity is made. The 3D recording is studied in implantology-specific software and the correct position of the implants is calculated. To precisely place the implants in the correct position, a splint is created from clinical materials with 3D printing technology by a cooperating dental center. This method offers high precision for implant placement and avoids pain & discomfort.
How does gum and bone restoration work in dental implants?
Restoration of gums and bone is achieved faster with the application of stem cells.

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